Quiz 1: Revision of foot reading theory to produce a foot reading from a client’s photographs
Note that we use your user profile information to create your pass certificate at the end of the quiz.
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During this quiz, the software counts these information pages as questions and won’t let you go back to redo a question. So make sure you have finished looking at the pictures before you move forward. Don’t worry, there will be more pictures included on relevant slides later in the quiz.
This Revision Quiz is to show you how to put together a foot reading.
Here is a photograph of the top view of our client’s feet. Let’s call her Anna.
I will ask you questions about different areas of Anna’s feet, in the order that I have done her foot reading for her.
We will record your answers and give you a score at the end. You will be able to print out your results together with the expected answers and you can use these for further study.
You may repeat this quiz as many times as you like within one year. There’s nothing like repetition to help you learn.
As you have a year’s access, it is worth sometimes deliberately getting the questions wrong so that you can see the feedback information at the end which can add to your learning. Of course, you won’t be given a certificate if you don’t get above the pass mark of 70% though! But you can keep trying until you do pass. Happy Foot Reading
Are you ready?
Click on the ‘Foot Reading Quiz’ below.