Emmett Technique
Fast Pain Relief and Improved Movement
Emmett Technique is a therapy that is designed to reset and rebalance muscles. It is much faster at getting people out of pain than standard massage techniques and whilst extremely gentle, it is a very powerful treatment. Because of this we only do 5 plus or minus 2 moves in any one treatment. The originator of this technique, Ross Emmett, offers ten minute sessions to get people out of pain and twenty minute sessions for prevention. Jane, however, may offer this technique on it’s own, or in conjunction with reflexology.
“Jane Sheehan has miracles at her fingertips.
Literally Jane’s treatments have given me back my life. Where before I was exhausted, I walked like a duck as a result of a back problem from 30 years ago. I needed to sleep afternoons and I could hardly walk due to tendon problems.
After say 12 treatments I am walking nearly completely upright – back to looking after our 10 horses, dogs etc and enjoying every moment.
A mere thank you doesn’t seem enough but believe me my huge thanks and gratitude will remain for the rest of my life. Bless y ou Jane for the work that you do and all the people you help back to fitness. I hope my testimony will give people the push they need to seek out Jane.”
Barbara McPhillips

Jane uses a combination of techniques which look like fascial release, acupressure great points, trigger release and adhesion break-up. Only 5 plus or minus two moves are allowed per session. If Jane has finished your Emmett treatment before the allocated timeslot expires, she will offer you reflexology for your remaining time. Her approach is client-centred and holistic which means she will do what she feels necessary to assist you, whilst being guided by you.
If you are unsure about whether Emmett Technique can help you, just book one session. If it is going to help, you will know during that session.