Organise a Workshop
Workshop Menu

Numbers of attendees:
Day One:
Minimum 8 people (10 in Ireland) with a maximum of 200 as long as the room is appropriate, the students can see the screen clearly (and a microphone is provided for an audience of more than 30 people). You need no prior knowledge of feet to do a day 1.
Day Two:
Minimum 8 people (10 in Ireland) with a maximum of 20. This ensures Jane has sufficient contact with attendees. You need to have done Day 1 or Jane’s e-learning seminar (or equivalent) to be admitted straight onto Day 2.
If you agree to run a workshop, you are also agreeing to allow anyone who has done Day 1 or Jane’s e-learning seminar to be admitted straight onto Day 2.
Course content is available on the Foot Reading Workshops page – click here
Template booking form and template poster are also available.
If you are interested in running such a workshop, please call 07739 802175 or email Jane and speak to Jane to discuss dates.
Once you have organised your venue, email Jane with venue details, price to students, and best contact info for you so that we can add it to our newsletter, seminar page, and so that the team can prepare and distribute press releases etc. We would then need the completed template booking form for use in our own marketing. It would also be useful if you could let us know the names of your local media (radio, magazines, newspapers) so that we can prepare a press release.
If you would like to organise a foot reading workshop with Jane in the UK, then the first thing to do is to call Jane to discuss a suitable date.
Jane’s fee for the Foot Reading theory seminar (Day One) and the Practice workshop (Day Two) is £75 per person per day (£150 per person for the two days)
You would then add to this your admin fee to cover room hire, admin, refreshments etc. It’s quite usual for the organiser to add around £20 per student per day, making the cost to the attendee £95 per person per day. Obviously the exact figure would vary depending on your location costs.
Template Workshop booking form – This can be used for sending out to student enquiries. Fill in the relevant detail and ensure you mail back to Jane Sheehan for further marketing. The form on this document was made in Word and will not look right on a small tablet screen but will print ok.
Template Poster – add your venue details and then print