Taking your photographs

Top view of your feet
For the top view of your feet, position yourself so that you are sitting comfortably on a chair, feet flat on the floor and knees at right angles. Ask someone to sit facing you to take a top view of the feet. It’s important for me to know how your toes connect with the floor.
For the bottom view of your feet, lie down comfortably on a bed, flat on your back, and get someone else to take the photograph of the soles of your feet whilst your feet are relaxed .

Bottom view of your feet
I like both feet to be in the same photograph for comparison purposes. Also note that taking the photographs outdoors in natural daylight gives a better idea of the colour changes in your feet because avoiding using a flash stops the flash from bleaching out the colour variations.
If you are emailing the photographs, I can view .jpg files. (A jpg image is best and maximum file size of 1MB – the minimum size should be about 450 x 300 pixels which equates to a quarter of a screen, up to 800 x 600 pixels which is about half a screen)
Once I receive your photographs or .jpgs I will contact you within four days of receipt and then send you a paypal invoice. Often it will be quicker than that.
You can book your appointment for your photograph foot reading here (note that I am in England so you will need to check the time difference for where you are)
When I receive your payment via the paypal invoice, I will send you a zoom link for your appointment time. You will be able to record the zoom onto your computer.